Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Isra Mikraj Di Masir

The night of the holy journey
(This Wednesday marks Al-Israa and Miaraj, the Prophet Mohammed’s night journey to the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and ascendancy to heaven
, Monday 27 Jun 2011)
Israa and Miaraj

On the night of 27 Rajab, Prophet Mohammed travelled to the Aqsa Mosque on the back of a heavenly beast called the boraq. Afterwards, the prophet ascended to heaven, where he encountered angels and previous prophets and saw paradise and hell.

The boraq denotes lightening or shining (from the Arabic word Barq, lightening, or Baraqa, to shine).

This is in reference either to the light it emits or the speed at which it travels.

It is described as a winged beast and sometimes said to be the horse of Archangel Gabriel.

According to tradition, it is smaller than a mule but bigger than a donkey, with a human face, big eyes, and small ears. Its neck is said to be made of ambergris and its ears and shoulders of white pearl (or aquamarine). Its cheeks are described as resembling those of a horse.

The boraq has four legs. Its crest is said to be made of moist pearl weaved with gems and coral. Its shoulders are described as made of rubies and its eyes shine like the stars. It emits a ray of light as bright as the sun, and is very white. Its legs are said to be made of gold. Its chest, covered with gems, and shines like the stars of heaven. Its tail is studded with green emeralds, and its wings resemble those of an eagle’s. Its forelock is described as being bright as the moon and smells of incense. It breathes like a human and its udders are covered with gold.

Folk artists have painted the boraq in many styles. Images of the heavenly beast appeared in Egypt and other Arab countries first in lithograph and later in zincograph. Images produced on glass appeared in Tunisia and Syria.

According to al-Domeiri, the whiteness of the boraq is a reference to its high status.

The chronicler Ibn Hesham said the boraq was winged. Sources differ on whether Archangel Gabriel rode on the boraq with the prophet or not. There is also a discrepancy on whether the boraq was first ridden by Prophet Mohammad or used by other prophets, including Ibrahim (or Abraham), in the past.

In the oral tradition we see variations on the boraq theme. The horse of Seif Bin Ze Yazan, for instance, is called Barq al-Buruq (or supreme lightening). It can fly over mountains and valleys carrying the folk hero to battle the worshippers of fire.

The Israa and Miaraj is considered a major religious event during which some Muslims fast during the day and then engage in religious rituals and Koran reading. Usually, a banquet of meat (zafar, or flesh) is prepared for this special night.

In the Sharqia governorate, the event is celebrated on the night of 27 Rajab, following the Isha (evening) prayers.

Worshippers gather in a mosque and a sheikh recites verses from the Koran, especially those mentioning the Israa and Miaraj miracle.

The sheikh then recounts the story of the Israa and Miaraj to the audience (the Koran mentions the story in a brief manner, but it is elaborated upon in non-Koranic tradition).

Gifts are usually exchanged on this occasion. Parents send meat, fowl, fruit and vegetables to married children in a gesture of silat rahem, or kinship, says a resident of the Gita village in Sharqia.

The popular celebration of the Israa and Miaraj takes another form in Minya.

The celebrations there last for three days, 25-27 Rajab. The celebration begins daily after the maghreb (sunset) prayers at the mausoleum and mosque of al-Fuli.

First, Sheikh Ahmad al-Fuli recites from the Koran, then religious songs are performed by celebrity singers, including Sheikh Abdel Badie, Sheikha Samah and Sheikha Kawthar.

In Cairo, the evening’s celebrations are often combined with the Sayyeda Zeinab moulid (birthday) celebrations, and invariably draw in large crowds

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rumah ambo Dalam versi Bebek

Sunday, June 19, 2011

my favourite house

the house that i like the most is situated in Kg Salor, Kelantan...
it's a place where people have paddy fields at their front yard, forests at the back and graves at the side
it's a place where animals like cows, sheep, ducks and chickens roam around
it's a place where ghost stories are created, told and the people dont really care
this is the house where i spent about 1-2 months every year
and the house that will always be my favourite
i love it not just because of the people that lives in it...but also because the nature of the house it self
this house has the ability to calm down me down and get my 'creative' juices flowing
i usually spent every Raya here...but since both my grandparents passed away, we spent it at Selangor...the other grandparents' house...
it has 3 living rooms, 2 dining rooms, 10 rooms, 8 bathrooms, 1 reading room, 1 lovely garden, 1 huge lawn and backyard, and roofs that we can climb on and in...-wink-
and, oh...on the lawn, we have some part where we put the graves of my late grandma and grandpa and also two others...
this house, in 1 word, is AWESOME...2 words; DAMN AWESOME...3 words; DAMN F*****G AWESOME

the great house im talking about...situated infront of a mosque and surrounded by graves...also have kinda a forest at the back and the Kelantan River

the grave yards and mosque in front of the house

front gate, the seats where my cuzs and i hang out (talking about 'life') and the 'extended' house

trees at the lawn that we used to play everything that require running and hiding...and one of the places to parked cars

the way into the grave yard in the lawn and i can see that we need to trim the grasses in the graves...hoho

the back yard...and the gate will lead to another gate where there used to be a garden full of veggies

one of the dining 'rooms' and living rooms...which is also the place where we conducted most of the parties...hehe...

these are kinda storages without doors and also we used to play here when it was raining heavily and the water has no where to go...

kinda like a small garden in the house...there used to be a lot of plants, a fountain and some fishes and turtles...but we (as kids) kinda ruined a lot of those...hehe...and the other is the picture of the place for sunlight and rain to fall on the plants

the reading room where we used to play 'ghosts' and hide-n-seek and the stairs where i admit, i've fallen from quite a few times

the many 'corridors' of the house...there are a few more...the 1st lead to a the biggest room, the 2nd to the 'green field' and balcony and the 3rd to another balcony where we climb the roof for hide-n-seek

this storage-closet lead to inside the roof and that is the place where my foot slipped through...thank goodness the fan is not on...-phew-

just one of the places to chill...and yes...the roof top too...sitting on it and looking at the sky with my cuzs sure is nice...

just a door that leads to another set of stairs that leads outside...

quaint english-seaside-fountain...that is a lawn 'in' the house and the last pic is of a turtle pen

my aunt's passions...decorating, cooking (she is a marvelous baker) and painting

house in a house...kawaii-ne!!!...hehe...